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Pioneer and visionary in the field of integrated healthcare within the NHS at the pioneering Marylebone Health Centre and private practice in Harley Street. Founding faculty of the University of Westminster’s School of Integrated Health / School of Life Sciences where he became Professor of Integrated Healthcare and Clinical Director. He was Chair of the British Holistic Medical Association and is editor of the BHMA Journal.


Co-author/editor of six books about complementary therapies and have led on a series of research projects. He is founder of the Westminster Centre for Resilience, Westminster University and research

Professor David Peters

“Empathic doctors are safer,more effective and happier in their work, yet empathy fades as stress levels rise and this fuels the journey into ‘burnout’.”

A unique 5-day retreat with five exceptional facilitators and more wisdom keepers, using traditional knowledge and wisdom to enable deep connection for participants, with an invitation to take this wisdom back to your community and continue the work.

An Elder-level understanding of the essential role of Nature, community, people and meaning in the ecology of the planet. Includes “A Storytelling Pilgrimage to Dinas Emrys, the tower or legend, through Mythic Snowdonia’, and the only opportunity to commune with the secret Sacred Druidic Site of Merlin’s Pool. A rare opportunity to visit one of the most sacred and ‘thin’ places. This will be the only occasion this group of wisdom keepers will be teaching together this year.

Druid, artist, musician and storyteller, immersed and versed in the ancient lore and wisdom traditions of the Isles of Britain. He lives in a luxurious hedge with a wayward family surrounded by beehives and organic farmland in the Vale of the White Horse. There he teaches and researches old ways and new. Hosting community ceremony, working with bees and apitherapy, fostering peace and seeking an ever renewed sense of purpose and service.


As a druid priest Chris has worked as a celebrant, teacher & guide. With different hats on he is a professional storyteller, musician & ceremonial piper. Steeped in British & European folklore his life and work ranges from arts and craft, ancient technologies & eco-building to apitherapy, educational projects, ceremony & pilgrimage. A prolific beekeeper, he is often seen extolling the virtues of bee products, mead and the traditional honey drinks of this honeyed isle.

Chris Park

“Nature is the best healer”

Heidi Rose

A 25 year veteran of deep listening circles, Heidi has a passion and devotion to the power, wisdom and simplicity held in the ancient practice of sitting in a circle, listening and sharing from our hearts. She has hosted circles for the wider community in woodland settings,  for young people in schools, and with parents and teachers.
A qualified psycho spiritual counsellor, Shinrin-Yoku and Interior Alignment practitioner, eco therapist and is training as a wilderness rites of passage guide and is trained in suicide prevention.
Founding Director of Circlewise

“Passiion, power and devotion in the wisdom
of presence and active listening.”

Stefan Chmelik

Visionary integrated healthcare physician, co-founder of New Medicine Group Harley Street, now dedicated to global mental health impact through sound technology company Sensate.


Stefan is descended from the people of the North, with bones of the rocks of the northern ranges, blood of saline seas and flesh made from winter roots and yearling stew. He is very proud to have an unusually high percentage of Neandrathral bloodline! 


He has been meditating for more than five decades and has more than thirty years of using sound healing with patients and clients. He is a Master Herbalist. He was called three times to the Shamanic path through near death, heeding the call on the third occasion; Shamanic Druidry is now the path he walks.

“Sound is the pulse of the universe.”

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Let’s create, become and empower these Elders.
This is what you will receive at Nature Awakening 2024.

Bard and Elder, JJ is generous in sharing wisdom from a lifetime of experience, sharing reflections, stories and song to stimulate and inspire thoughts on what Eldership and a fuller life might entail.

JJ Middleway

“Leading a magical life: Reflections on Elderhood”

Lawrence Joye

Lawrence works with Menspedition, YES& and has been engaged in “The Work that Reconnects” and other Deep Ecology movements. He will be guiding and supporting the group throughout the event.

“Strength through Joye”

Hazel Osborne

Wild therapist, Ceremonialist and Transpersonal  Psychotherapeutic Counsellor within NHS Wales and in private practice, holding space for individuals and groups. An animist and Soulwork practitioner passionate about further developing depth in relationship to self/other and the nature world.

Transforming Our Grief - Embodied movement for emotional transformation,
singing lamentation to the waters and ritual craftwork.

Eric Maddern

‘The Wild Man of Cae Mabon’, mythic storyteller, Honorary Bard of OBOD and visionary eco-builder.

"A Storytelling Pilgrimage to Dinas Emrys through Mythic Snowdonia. Journey along the Math-Mabon-Merlin Songline to the Fort of Fiery Higher Powers."

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Nature Awakening 2024 will be an Elder-level understanding of the essential role of Nature, community, people and meaning in the ecology of the planet.

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